‘Superfoods’ did I get your attention by that? Probably yes. Modern times have given us modern problems. The number of cases of people suffering from chronic heart diseases has increased significantly over the past few years. Almost every individual is a victim of hypertension, obesity, etc. This has happened primarily due to the unhealthy lifestyle that we have adopted.
But then, there’s no excuse that should be entertained when it comes to taking care of our health. Here’s why we should eat flax seeds and chia seeds.
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Are chia seeds also comes in the list of Superfoods?
Yes, Chia seeds are also from the list of Superfoods that are whole grain food, organically grown, and gluten-free. These are tiny black seeds derived from the plant Salvia Hispanica. It’s a rich source of Omega-3 fatty acids, protein, fiber, and antioxidants. It also contains important bone nutrients like calcium, magnesium, iron, and phosphorus.
The health benefits of chia seeds are:-
- The Omega-3 fatty acid helps in increasing HDL cholesterol level in the body. Also known as the good cholesterol as it prevents heart attack and strokes.
- The rich amount of antioxidants fights the free radicals who damage our cell molecules and contribute to early signs of aging and skin cancer. Consuming chia seeds on a regular basis can give you healthier-looking skin and hair.
- People who are lactose intolerant need not worry. Chia seeds have more calcium content than most dairy products. This could be your life-saver.
- The protein helps in losing weight. The increased protein intake lowers appetite and reduces obsessive thoughts about food by 60% and want for night time snacking by 50%.
- Studies have shown that the fiber can potentially reduce blood pressure in people with hypertension which is a strong risk factor for heart disease. It can also lessen chronic inflammation.
- It’s very easy to include it in one’s diet. It tastes bland so can be added to anything. It can be eaten raw, soaked in juice, added to porridge, smoothie or baked goods. It’s common dosage recommended is 20 grams.
What are flax seeds?
Flax seeds are also from the list of Superfoods that are one of the oldest crops to be grown. These are of 2 kinds-Brown and golden. Both of them being equally nutritious. In addition to being a rich source of vitamins and minerals, it contains protein, fiber, lignans, and Omega-3 fatty acids.
The health benefits of flax seeds are:-
- The lignans reduce the risk of cancer. It’s an abundant source of Alpha-Linolenic acid. It’s one of the important fatty acids that should be consumed but the human body is incapable of producing it on it’s own. This acid prevents cholesterol from settling on the walls of blood vessels and reduces tumour growth inflammation.
- It has plenty of dietary fibre. Flax seeds have 2 kinds of fibre:- soluble and insoluble. Soluble fibre declines the rate of digestion, controls blood sugar, lowers cholesterol and enhances the consistency of the contents of the intestine.
- The insoluble fibre enables more water to bind to the stool, increases the bulk and leads to soft stools. This is effective in preventing constipation.
- It curbs binge eating. As it slows down the digestion in the stomach which then triggers a host of hormones responsible for appetite control and gives a feeling of fullness.
It can be consumed by adding to water or as a dressing in salad. While eating one should opt for ground flax and not whole. As ground flax seeds are easy to digest. Its dosage recommended is 50 grams a day.
At last, the two chia seeds and flax seeds are really the superfoods that can’t be ignored. Consuming them is like an investment in oneself. And an investment in oneself never goes to waste.