The Three Common Types Of Learners In Online Classes

Are you tired of the constant academic comparison? Sigh, welcome aboard. Have you ever faced difficulties in concentrating on an ongoing topic in class? Ever wondered why you are having trouble grasping a concept that others instantly grasp? Don’t worry, there is nothing wrong with you or your brain. Sadly, we are the victims of traditional mindsets. Before you give up on your academic and resort to ‘Take My Course’ services, hear us out. We might have a few solutions for your academic needs.
One thing that you need to understand is that not every learner is the same. Every learner learns at his own pace, therefore comparing one learner from the other is completely off the table. Just as the fingers of the same hand are different from one another, students in the same class are too. Based on categories, there are three common types of online learners. These learners are entirely different from one another. Before you diagnose yourself with some learning issues, let us give you an insight into the different types of learners.
1. Visual Learners
The first type of learner is the visual one. These types of learners prefer visual information over any other. According to studies, visual learners learn better when something is visually displayed to them. Meaning, they tend to understand and learn better through visual aids. They absorb information best when there is some graphic imagery involved. For instance, if you are to teach a child who is naturally a visual learner, you can take help from flashcards. You will observe that the child would understand the concepts better.
If you think you are a visual learner, observe yourself closely. Today, many teachers are trained to use the different learning methods in the classroom to boost understanding. This way, every learner will have an equal chance to participate in group activities. Consequently, the classroom will maintain a healthy learning atmosphere. Look for the different methods used in your classroom and find the one that suits you. If graphic aids help you memorize a concept better, congratulations! You are a visual learner.
As we said, a visual learner’s strong suit is his eyes. Therefore, the best way for you to memorize a concept is by writing it down. Hey, muscle memory is a thing for real! Another tip for effective online learning for visual learners is to make creative notes. Meaning, try using different colored highlighters to make your notes aesthetically appealing. Remember, your eyes are your strong suit!
2. Auditory Learners
Just like visual learners are all about visions, auditory learners are all about their hearing senses. When it comes to learning methods, auditory learners learn best when their hearing senses are evoked. Meaning, they tend to understand better when they are provided with auditory aids. They absorb information best when there is some hearing aid involved. Remember the example of a learning child which we took earlier? Keep that in mind but, from an auditory perspective. Your observation will lead you to the conclusion that auditory learners learn better with acoustic aids. Audiobooks are the best example of acoustic aids.
Now, if you think that you are an auditory learner, observe yourself once again. Actively pay attention to the various learning methods used by your teacher. Draw a conclusion based on your findings. If audiobooks fascinate you and help you understand different concepts better, VOILA! You are an auditory learner.
Some tips to help you learn better include; sitting away from the window or door. Remember, your hearing senses are more sensitive than other learners. Thus, you may want to stay away from any and every distracting noise away while studying to secure your focus. In addition, you can take help from rhythmic patterns and poem formation in order to fuel your memorization process.
3. Tactile Learners
Lastly, the most creative of all are the tactile learners. These learners are all about experiences. They just cannot bear staying focused constantly like visual or auditory learners. They are beyond the classroom learners with a hyperactive imagination. Remember the example above that we have been referring to? You keep that in mind- Again. If you were to teach a tactile learner, no flashcard or audiobook would help. As a result of which you will be questioning your teaching abilities and credibility. However, try thinking outside the box.
If you consider yourself a tactile learner, yup observe yourself closely. If you always have a really hard time figuring out how to keep your focus during class, try fidgeting around! We are not suggesting you to get in trouble during class. However, indulge yourself in the learning process by adding some creativity to it.
For instance, you can doodle on your notebook while taking notes (corners of the paper please, we mean no harm or unnecessary trouble!) Or, if you ever feel like your brain is refusing to retain any information, try tossing a ball. The goal is to keep yourself busy in some kind of physical activity to keep your brain pumping!
Hey there, found the answer to your learning problem yet? We told you to hear us out and keep the ‘Take My Course’ services idea out for a while. In addition to these three mentioned types, there are other learners as well. Mixed method learners are also one of those. These learners are a mixture of all three above-mentioned types. Meaning, they would extract whatever element they want to take from the methods and suit themselves! Yes, they are also perfectly normal.
Thanks to the advancement of technology, you now have the option to switch to online classes. Online classes are a fun learning resort, especially for tactile learners. For the aforementioned reasons, tactile learners love to move around while learning. Thanks to the flexibility of online classes, tactile learners can take their classrooms anywhere they want. Consequently, they learn effectively without getting in trouble much. We hope that this blog has provided you with the answers you were looking for. Best of luck finding your own learning type!